
New Clients

Welcome to Liz Johnson Voice Studio! I look forward to helping you with your voice journey. This page is designed to help new clients quickly get started with vocal lessons so that we can maximize progress from day one.


Please follow the two steps below. If you have any questions, please email me at liz@lizjohnsonvoice.com.


Step 1

Complete and submit the following secure questionnaire regarding your contact info, experience, vocal history, and goals. I value your privacy; all information is strictly confidential.


If client is under 18 years old, please complete the following fields:

Submitting Form...

The server encountered an error. The form was not received.

Thanks for submitting your new client information. This will help us get started in the right direction.

Step 2

Book your appointment online! With the Schedulista® appointment service, you can manage your calendar any time, day or night, without creating an account. For your first appointment, we need an hour to complete an initial voice assessment, learn basic vocal exercises, and start working on a plan to meet your goals.

The initial voice lesson is $165. A credit card is required to hold the appointment, but will not be charged until the appointment time.


Schedule Your

Initial Voice Lesson

When returning for future lessons, check-out all the lesson options in the vocal lessons page.


Submitting Form...

The server encountered an error. The form was not received.

Thanks for submitting your new client information. This will help us get started in the right direction.

Submitting Form...

The server encountered an error. The form was not received.

Thanks for submitting your new client information. This will help us get started in the right direction.

If client is under 18 years old, please complete the following fields: